Sunday, December 29, 2013

Cheap Party Food Ideas

{This post is prior to my gluten-free days. Please use caution when following this recipe if you must eat gluten-free. Always check individual ingredients to ensure they're gluten-free before consuming.}

This is my sister Lauren. She has quarters. 

No actually, mom and Aunt Martha gave her these quarters because Lauren said she didn't have any quarters. 

Let's start over. 

Lauren wants to have a party. She needs food ideas but she said she could only use the food she has in her pantry, which is canned vegetables and spaghetti noodles. Oh, and peanut butter. 

I told her I would never come to her party. 

So then we started talking about how cheap ALDI is and that she can afford to get some food to serve for pretty cheap. 

Then Lauren said she didn't understand how shopping at ALDI works. I told her she needed quarters to get a shopping cart. Hence the above picture. 

Lauren told me to just write down what I was suggesting for her to buy and serve. So here's my list of things to serve for the party. {This post is not sponsored by ALDI. All prices are just quotes from memory. Check local stores for actual prices.}

{1} Cream cheese topped with salsa
Cream cheese is $0.89. Of course I've never bought salsa at ALDI due to my allergies so I'm not sure on the price. Put room temperature cream cheese on a pretty plate. Dump room temperature salsa on top. Serve with tortilla chips

{2} Cheese and Crackers
Either buy the blocks of cheese, maybe sharp cheddar and pepper jack, or the cheese cubes. Buy 2 boxes of different types of crackers. If you have a tiered platter, arrange on there in a pretty fashion on multiple tiers. If you only have a flat plate, arrange crackers and cheese in an alternating circular fashion. 

{3} Fruit Tray 
Fruit is SO CHEAP at ALDI. One time I bought bananas for $0.29. Um yes, you read that right. Ok so for the fruit tray, bananas won't work. So buy some grapes (wash and de-stem), some red and green apples (wash, chop, and toss with lemon juice so they don't brown),and some oranges or cute little clementines (cut into slices). Arrange it ever so prettily on a tray or plate. 

{4} Chocolate candy
Open package of chocolate candy (maybe some Christmas candy that might be on sale) and pour in a bowl. Yes, it's that easy. 

{5} Cake Mix Cookies
Buy the cake mix, eggs, oil, and any chips at ALDI. It is still cheaper than purchasing them at another grocery store. Refer to the post from a few weeks ago for cooking instructions/recipe! 

{6} Cokes, water, tea
Buy at ALDI. Serve. 

Most importantly, get people to bring food to the party! Don't try to tackle everything yourself. You'll be tired and broke. No joke. {Ha! I rhymed!} 

These ideas are super simple. Try them and let me know what you think! 

Much Love,

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Parmesan Tilapia

{This post is prior to my gluten-free days. Please use caution when following this recipe if you must eat gluten-free. Always check individual ingredients to ensure they're gluten-free before consuming.}

Doesn't this picture of Parmesan Tilapia look scrumptious? I know, I wish you could smell it through your screen. While it was cooking, the Italian spices and parmesan scents escaped the oven and wafted through the whole house. We could barely wait for the tilapia to come out of the oven. Thankfully, it tasted as good or better than it smelled. 

This is so quick and easy that you can just whip it up this week while you're busy wrapping presents.

Just make sure to crust the fish... not the presents. 

Tilapia is the only fish that Kyle will eat. He doesn't like fish. Well he didn't, until he went to his bachelor party in Gulf Shores and went crazy. He ate pecan-crusted tilapia and mahi-mahi tacos at Lulu's. When he told me, my exact words were, "Who are you?!" Since that weekend, he will eat tilapia every now and then. As long as it doesn't taste too fishy. 

I also am not a huge fan of fish in general. However, over the years, as I have learned the health benefits of fish, I have acquired a taste for it. My personal favorite is salmon. When we were dating, Kyle thought that salmon was the only thing I ate because I ordered it every single time we went out on a date. On a college budget, that was the only time I could afford it was when someone else paid for it. (Just to be clear, I went on dates to spend time with you honey. Not just eat salmon.) 

[Side note: My favorite way to prepare salmon is with greek seasoning coated pretty heavily on top. Stop it. I'm drooling. Excuse me while I go get a towel to wipe off my laptop.] 

But, Kyle won't eat salmon. So we compromise on tilapia.  

[One more side note: I would have preferred to use greek yogurt on this tilapia instead of mayo. But I didn't have any in my fridge. So I was forced to use mayo. I wasn't properly prepared to cook this. Sorry.)

Pretty basic pantry staples are needed to make this parmesan tilapia. I didn't plan ahead to make this, so clearly, if I have all this is my kitchen on a moment's notice, most people probably do as well. If you don't, don't freak out. Just hop in the car and drive to the grocery store. 

You need: bread crumbs (we had Italian style on hand), parmesan cheese, mayo (or greek yogurt), Italian seasoning, and tilapia. Ignore the olive oil. I was gonna use it, but changed my mind. 

This is my basic set up when coating something: meat -> wet ingredients -> dry ingredients -> pan

So put the bread crumbs, parmesan, and spices in a container and mix it together. I just used my hand. Ain't no need to get fancy. 

These were frozen. We thawed them for a few minutes in warm water like the package instructions said. 

[sorry for the blurry picture. I was starving and couldn't hold still for Kyle to snap the pic.]
So I put maybe a tablespoon or less of mayo on each fillet and just kinda spread it out mainly on the top. I swiped a little of what was left on my knife on the bottom too just for good measure. Just don't go crazy with the mayo. [It has lots of fat.]

Flipped them around in the dry ingredients on both sides, pressing the mixture onto the fillet. 

We had a good bit of dry mix left so we just sprinkled that over the tops of the fillets for added crunchiness.  

Then we baked it for about 20-25 minutes at 400. For most other people, this would probably be 425 for about 30 minutes, but our oven is possessed (it gets super hot and burns everything), so ours is always less time and temp. 

You're really just looking for that nice golden brown finish on top, the smell of cooked parmesan, and most importantly, the fish to be flaky

That's it. We served it with a steamed sweet potato and some Awesome Broccoli
Super easy. So delicious. 

Kyle said after one bite, "The only problem with this fish is that I don't have more of it to eat." [Said the man who doesn't "like" fish.] 

That was the sound of success. 

Check out the Parmesan Tilapia recipe HERE

Ok so check this out this week! Let me know what you think!

Merry Christmas my friends!

Much love, 

Parmesan Tilapia

by Kelli Gilbert
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 25-30 minutes
Ingredients (Serves 2)
  • Italian style breadcrumbs
  • Parmesan cheese, grated
  • 2 TBSP Mayo (or plain greek yogurt)
  • Italian seasoning
  • 2 Tilapia fillets
So put the bread crumbs, parmesan, and spices in a container and mix it together. I just used my hand. Make sure your fillets are thawed.
So put maybe a tablespoon or less of mayo on each fillet and just kinda spread it out mainly on the top. (I swiped a little of what was left on my knife on the bottom too just for good measure.)
Flip them around in the dry ingredients on both sides, pressing the mixture onto the fillet. We had a good bit of dry mix left so we just sprinkled that over the tops of the fillets for added crunchiness.
Bake it at 425 for about 25-30 minutes. Make sure it's golden brown and flaky.
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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Cookies

{This post is prior to my gluten-free days. Please use caution when following this recipe if you must eat gluten-free. Always check individual ingredients to ensure they're gluten-free before consuming.}

"I sure do like your Christmas cookies, Sugar. I sure do like your Christmas cookies, Babe."

Kyle loves this Christmas song and it is perfect for this post because..... CHRISTMAS COOKIES!

These are all new recipes that we made for the first time this year. One I found on Pinterest, one my mom found, and one I kinda developed myself (I'll explain that in a second.)

These I found on Pinterest at THIS website. I made these for a Cookie Swap that I talked about over on my guest post on Giann's blog. These cookies were so delicious! A friend of mine described them as just the right amount of gooey. I agree.

I literally cut up whole Butterfinger bars to put in there.

Hello, delicious.

And then I bagged them up all cute and such for the Cookie Swap. Thank you Target for the $1 bags. 

So go check out the recipe HERE on the original website!

So I may or may not be munching on this Chex Mix while I'm typing this.....

This technically isn't a cookie, but whatever. The recipe was adapted from the original recipe over on Chex website
But when me and mom made this the first time using the Chex recipe:
1) it didn't taste very Red Velvet-y 
2) it turned out brown and pink.... Um, that's the wrong color. 

However, the second time I made it I used a few different ingredients and voila! It turned out perfect! 

Did I mention that this cooks completely in the microwave? Oh, I didn't. How unthoughtful of me. 

Check out the recipe HERE!

So these cookies are what I usually call Cake Mix Cookies. I've made this recipe for years because you just change up the base recipe each time for a different cookie. However, I dressed these up for Christmas! {My absolute favorite combination is a strawberry cake mix with white chocolate chips. Here's a general recipe for Cake Mix Cookies.}

I bought swirly, festive-looking chips and crushed candy canes. This recipe makes 34 big cookies or 50 little cookies. And it takes like 30 minutes, and then you're done. So easy. 

Check out the recipe HERE!

I gave the Red Velvet Chex Mix and Peppermint Chocolate Cookies away as Christmas gifts. I love cooking for other people! 

Ok so make these recipes sometime this Christmas and let me know what you think! 

Much Love, 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Holly Jolly Blog Tag

{I made this wreath! First time ever!}

So my friend Robin over at Thoughts of Beauty in Her Head tagged me in her blog tag post, which is part of her Blogmas series. Since it's Christmas and I'm feeling festive, I thought I would take part!

#1: Do you have an embarrassing Christmas photo?

I really don't think I do. I know that that is not a fun answer, but I was a pretty cute kid.

#2: Have you ever had a white Christmas?

That would be a no. The one time it actually snowed at Christmas in Alabama, we were in Texas with family. That was a sad Christmas. We were SO UPSET that we were missing it.

This picture was from a March snow though.... Pretty epic. That's my sister that I'm shoving snow at.

#3: Where do you spend Christmas Day?

Well, previously, my family has spent Christmas in many different places. I've spent Christmas in hotels on the way to Texas, at my grandparent's house in Louisiana, at my aunt and uncle's in Texas, and very rarely, at our own house. Currently, since Kyle and I have been together, we spend Christmas with Kyle's family.

#4: Do you open any gifts on Christmas Eve? 

Yes! Typically, my mom picks out one gift for my sister and I to open on Christmas Eve. Sometimes we have opened all our presents before Christmas Eve (like on the 22nd) because we will be in Texas on Christmas Day and my parents don't want to transport ALL of our gifts cross-country. But now, since this is the first Christmas Kyle and I have been married, I'm not sure what we are gonna do.

#5: Can you name all the reindeer?

Well I'm not a huge reindeer/Santa fan, but I think I can name them all...


#6: What do you look forward to most for Christmas?
Ummmm, let me think. I guess this year, I'm really just looking forward to it being our first Christmas together. My favorite part of Christmas though is going to Texas. We used to shoot fireworks and have a huge bonfire at my grandmother's house in LA. That was an ABSOLUTE favorite part of Christmas in year's past.

#7: Do you have a real or fake Christmas tree?
Due to allergies that involve all things in the environment, the answer to this would be fake. We tried a real tree once, but that was WAY too much work.

#8: Do you enjoy giving or receiving more?

Honestly, I enjoy both equally. Receiving gifts is my love language (Thank you Dr. Chapman),  but I love planning my gift-giving and then seeing the person's face when they open the gift.

#9: Where would you love to visit for the holidays? 

I would love to go on a Tennessee road trip for Christmas. Visit Nashville to see the Rockettes and Opryland. Then travel on the Gatlinburg to stay in a cabin and have a white Christmas. Maybe one day...

#10: Are you good at gift wrapping?

Well, I used to think I was ok, possibly even good at it, until I started working at LifeWay... To all the customers that asked me to wrap your purchases, I'm so sorry. However, I did learn how to wrap BETTER while working at LifeWay. So to answer the question... maybe?

#11: What's your favorite Christmas memory?

My favorite Christmas memory involves what I mentioned above: bonfire and fireworks. We would always go together as a huge family to go buy the fireworks. {We promise that they should have named the building after us in Vinton, LA. We probably funded the whole thing.} Usually, one HUGE box of the BIG, super loud fireworks would be purchased and everyone would chip in. Then we would all head to the store to buy the stuff to make wassail, chips and dip, guacamole, bean dip (hello Texas!), no-bake cookies... Then we would head home to start the bonfire that had been soaking for a few days. Well one Christmas we had apparently bought 2 different boxes of BIG fireworks. So dad and uncle Gary go up to light 2 BIG ones at the same time. Well... apparently somebody put the wrong BIG firework in the wrong tube and I don't know if you understand firework logic or not, but for it to shoot up to the sky, it's got to get enough umph underneath it inside the tube. So when we lit this firework, everybody is staring up at the sky waiting for the majesty of it to unfold, the firework shoots up in the air about 2 feet above the tube (which is basically like 5 feet off the ground TOTAL) and explodes... all 3 stages of it. People start ducking, flipping over chairs, running for cover. Mommies start shielding babies. O, it is the best memory ever. We also learned over the years to always make sure fireworks were COMPLETELY done before throwing them in the fire.... Ha! My family. I sure do love 'em.

Ok so those are my answers. I would tag someone else to do this, but I honestly don't know many other bloggers because I'm so new to the blogging-world! I hope you enjoyed this non-food post. Don't worry, I'll be back with some more delicious recipes on Sunday!

Much Love,

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Soup

{This post is prior to my gluten-free days. Please use caution when following this recipe if you must eat gluten-free. Always check individual ingredients to ensure they're gluten-free before consuming.}

This soup cooks completely in the crockpot. So clearly it's fantastic.

I found this Chicken Enchilada Soup on this website here. But of course, I had to adapt it so I could actually eat it. I only made a few adjustments.

Instead of enchilada sauce, we used a jar of salsa that we received as a wedding present and then another jar of salsa from Fresh Market. So basically, there's a jar of salsa verde at Fresh Market that is delicious. If we were to When we make this soup again, we will just dump that whole jar in there. Does that make sense? Just check the recipe if it doesn't. Moving on...

I was a little iffy about just cooking it for 5 hours, so I was planning on cooking it for 7 hours. We ran a 5K on Monday night {go us!} and this was going to be waiting at home for us when we returned victorious. But honestly, the chicken was cooked almost completely through when I took it out at 4.5 hours to shred it. So I shredded it and put it back in. Then at 5.5 hours when we were headed out the door, I turned it down to warm. Long story short, this will be done in 5 hours. How awesome it that?!

When we came home, the delicious smell of enchiladas greeted us at the front door like a ton of bricks. After we had both fixed a bowl and eaten a few bites, Kyle looked at me and said, "I like your White Chicken Chili, but I actually think I like this better." I like them both equally, but this soup sure was delicious!

We served it with cheese and sour cream, but honestly you don't really need either. It was so good by itself. We will definitely be making this again soon.

The recipe is HERE or below! You should try this. I promise you won't be disappointed!

Much Love,

Chicken Enchilada Soup

by Kelli Gilbert
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 5-6 hours
Ingredients (6-8 people)
  • 2 large chicken breasts
  • 32 oz enchilada sauce { OR 1 16 oz jar of verde salsa from Fresh Market and 2-3 cups of chicken broth}
  • 2 orange or red bell peppers, chopped
  • 1 sweet onion, chopped
  • 16 oz black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely minced
  • 1 TBSP diced jalapeños
  • 1/2 tbsp cumin
1. Place chicken, enchilada sauce (or salsa), veggies, beans and seasonings into your crockpot. Be sure liquid is covering your chicken. If chicken is revealed, add more sauce. Cook on low for 5 hours.
2. Remove chicken and shred. Return to crockpot and stir back into soup. Serve topped with Greek yogurt (or sour cream), cilantro, green onions and shredded cheese. [Leftovers may be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to one week.]
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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Black Bean Soup

{This post is prior to my gluten-free days. Please use caution when following this recipe if you must eat gluten-free. Always check individual ingredients to ensure they're gluten-free before consuming.}

I love this soup so much! I can't wait to make it again! Black bean soup with onion and peppers and corn... I probably should have called it black bean chili. 

This is actually based loosely on a friend's black bean soup recipe. Of course, it had a few ingredients in it that I can't eat. So as usual, I adapted. 

I added a few more veggies and took a few out. And can I just say, this is delicious! Kyle was very complimentary on this soup as well! Since we can't eat normal chili because of tomatoes, this soup helped fill the chili-needing-void in our heart. 

We topped it with cheese and ate it with tortilla chips. It is so hearty and delicious. I actually think I will make this again this week....  
Get the Black Bean Soup recipe HERE!

So try this soup and let me know what you think!

Much Love, 

Black Bean Soup

by Kelli Gilbert
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30-45 minutes
Keywords: saute soup/stew turkey American fall winter
Ingredients (Serves 6-8)
  • 1 # ground beef or turkey, drained
  • 1 packet of taco seasoning
  • 1 medium sweet onion, diced
  • 1 red bell pepper, diced
  • 1 green (or yellow) bell pepper, diced
  • 3 cups of chicken broth
  • 2 cans black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 can whole kernel corn, drained and rinsed
Brown meat. Drain. Add taco seasoning and 1/2 cup of water. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring often.
While meat is cooking, chop up the veggies. Drain and rinse the beans and corn.
Put EVOO, minced garlic, onion, and peppers into soup pot. Cook for about 5 minutes, just until it's soft and a little brown.
Add everything else to the pot. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Top with shredded cheese. Serve with tortilla chips.
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